
Housing design some companies


Believe us, the design is so simple.






Believe us, the design is so simple.


关于我们 About us


始于国内 / 放眼国外

Began at home / Looking abroadLooking abroad

       某某家居装饰集团创建于199X年,集团致力于为国人提供真正的“XX家居解决方案”,业务范围涵盖专业家居装饰设计与施工、完整家居产品(整体卫浴、整 体厨房、整体木作、整体软饰)设计与生产、精工装项目合作、全国特许经营服务及国际业务项目等相关范畴。XXXX坚持以“作今日**,创百年企业”为宗 旨,坚持“品牌化、专业化、规模化、产业化”发展道路。迄今为止,集团已在全国18个城市设立全资子公司,并于58个城市授权成立了特许加盟机构。

      200X年,XXXX整体家居体验馆在中国恢宏亮相,为客户创造了真正的体验式家居购物环境,在对欧洲**家居风尚及国际家居流行趋势深度解读的基础 上,XXXX更将四十多个欧洲**家居品牌及产品引入中国,开创了**欧洲前沿时尚特征的idealXXXX整体卫浴、ideaXXXXX整体厨房、 ideaXXXXX整体木作和ideaXXXXX整体软饰的整体家居服务,为中国的精英**打造了**欧洲时尚气质及品质的完整家居。


Certain home decoration group created in 199X, the group is committed to provide true "XX home solution", the scope of business covers professional home decoration design and construction, complete home products (the bathroom as a whole, the overall kitchen, the whole wood, overall soft decoration) design and production, Seiko cooperation projects, franchising services and international business projects related category for the people. XXXX adhere to the "brand name for today, a hundred years of enterprise" for the purpose, adhere to the "brand, specialization, scale, industrialization" development road. So far, the group has set up a wholly owned subsidiary of 18 cities in the country, and 58 cities authorized to set up a franchise organization.

Ten years, XXXX home decoration Group absolute superiority to become a leading brand in the field of domestic home is choice for Chinese and foreign elite, and to China's most strength of home decoration group identity, to become the crown of the home industry is the bright pearl of the Orient.

坚持理念 / 始于初心

Adhere to the idea / beginning at the beginning of the heart

企业精神: 员工与企业“双赢”,企业与客户“双赢”。发展目标:通过强有力的市场动作,将XXX发展成国内家装的主要**企业之一,在积极开展专业化和有限多元化的前提下,把企业的营业额在2-4年内拉升至5-10亿元,同时争取在上述时间内成为二板股市的上市公司。

领域观念: 从家装、公装服务开始,逐步向相关配套产业进行发展,将涉及到的业务面有:装饰与生活网站、金融与证券业务、建筑材料与房地产等。XXX坚持走专业化和有限多元化、非IT业与IT业共同发展之道路。

发展观念: 从用户和市场需求入手,逐步认识、掌握及运用行业发展规律,推行“知本运营(人力资源)战 略”、“资本运营战略”、“信息运营战略”及“创新+速度”战略,高速成长,非线性发展。

经 营策略: 通过用户评判、以提高用户为主导来树立企业品牌;通过对外拓展,全国连锁、特许经营等标准化运营模式,大幅度扩展、巩固家装市场份额;通过开放式、多方位 的合作形式,建立、丰富公司的人力资源队伍;通过专业化、系统化的培训,提高员工素质;通过引进投资、风险投资,及早步入金融证券市场。

工作风气: 宽厚、专业、创新、**。

员工誓言: 我做到:团结奋进、真诚友善、互助互勉、****、业无止境、永攀高峰。